Pre-order Perfect Timing Now & Get Rewarded

Perfect Timing, my first full length novel, is due for release in all formats exclusively across Amazon’s global markets on November 28, 2016.  Please read on to see how you can pre-order the ebook version of Perfect Timing now and get rewarded.  But first here’s a reminder of the book’s synopsis and ebook cover…

Perfect TimingFriendship. Desire. Romance. Lou’s life changes forever the first moment she encounters Will online during a brief break from work. Enlarging his photo on the social network, she is immediately captivated by his dazzling smile and azure blue eyes. Reluctantly refocusing on her work, she is frequently distracted as the image floods her thoughts. Who is that guy?

Later that evening while gazing in wonder at his photo albums, she is startled by an instant message from him. Hours fly by as they chat easily, discovering shared interests and passions.

Passions of a different kind are soon ignited as she feels her now best friend’s embrace across the miles. They have shared so many secrets, but her desire for the man who she openly admits adoring is one she dare not share. Not now. Not ever?

Perfect Timing is an enchanting story of romance in today’s technology driven world. It is the perfect example of how physical distance is no barrier to deep, all encompassing, all consuming love.

Buy Perfect Timing now to enter into Lou and Will’s sensual, erotic, romantic world.

Available Now at Amazon

Click here to be taken directly to the Perfect Timing page for your country.


Pre-order Perfect Timing Now & Get Rewarded


Once you pre-order Perfect Timing, Tweet me or email me at with a SCREENSHOT of your Amazon receipt and I’ll send you a link to claim a FREE ebook copy of Apparitions as a thank you.

Quick Update

Hello!  It’s been a while since I posted, but I can assure you that I’ve been very busy so today’s post is, as it says, a quick update.

If you follow me on social media, particularly Twitter, you might be aware of some of what I’ve been up to.  But if not, I won’t keep you hanging on any longer…

I’m currently doing the final edit for my first full length erotic romance novel!  And I can now reveal the title will be…

Perfect Timing

While the exact release date is yet to be confirmed, it will be released either late fall or early winter this year.  Yep, you’ll have it in plenty of time for Christmas!

In addition to editing Perfect Timing, I’ve also made one visible change here on the website.  Both pages for my previous releases, Serendipity and Apparitions, can now be found under the “My Books” page on the navigation menu at the top of pages.  If you’ve previously bookmarked their links, or have shared them anywhere, they will automatically redirect, so no need to do anything.  And I’ll soon be adding the Perfect Timing page to that tab too.

To keep up with my latest news and updates, if you’ve not already done so, please consider subscribing to the blog, or following me on social media, including Facebook, and my Amazon Author page.

Do you have any advice for me as I complete the edit?  Please leave a comment and let me know.  I look forward to chatting with you.


Ongoing Writing Process

In the last couple weeks I’ve described the first steps in my writing process, from the conception of the story idea, through to the publication of the book.  Today I share why I believe it’s always an ongoing writing process.

So What’s Next?

While the book is complete, the related writing process continues for me, because, as I’ve said, I see my stories as living things, so the completed book is perhaps only an adolescent.  It still needs nurturing.  The world of books is a scary one and the story needs the author’s and wider family’s help to explore the world.

The wider family of which I speak are not only my family, friends, and beta readers, but in today’s tech savvy world, they are reviewers, social media users, and other authors.  I personally feel that authors, or indeed anyone who writes, should not see our peers as competition, but instead be supportive of each other.  We all need friends and a newly published book is no exception.

Social Media

Social media is a great tool in this ever expanding world and greatly aids the ongoing writing process.  Twitter is one of my favorites and I can be found on there @RebekahSFiore.  The use of hashtags makes both sharing and searching so easy on the site. Here are some I use…

#MondayBlogs ~ For those of us who only post to our blogs on Mondays

#Romance #Romantic #Erotic and #Erotica #EARTG ~ Genre specific. The latter is Erotica Author ReTweet Group

#AmWriting #AmReading ~ Widely used hashtags for anyone who reads or writes, so absolutely everyone

#IndieAuthor #SupportIA #IARTG ~ Specifically for Indie authors. The latter is Indie Author ReTweet Group

#1LineWed ~ Authors share a single line from a work. My One Line Wednesday tweets are currently all taken from Serendipity

#Amazon #Kindle #Ebook #Smashwords #Nook ~ Retailer/ reading

For a comprehensive list of author specific hashtags take a look at this Ultimate List.

What are your favorite hashtags?  Please leave me a comment and let me know.  I’d love to chat